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국제와이즈멘 김문식총재 일행 아프리카 방문-서신 본문

한.미.일 동맹강화 관련

국제와이즈멘 김문식총재 일행 아프리카 방문-서신

새벽이슬1 2017. 6. 4. 14:14

Hello Dear Korean friends, 한국친구들께

As you may know, I recently spent three weeks in Africa visiting many clubs
and attending the Area Convention. Along the way I had the chance to make
two special connections with people connected to Korea.
아프리카 지역대회에 참가차 최근 아프리카에 가서 3주를 보냈는데

그중에 한국지역과 관련된 2가지 특별한 일을 경험하였습니다. 
First, while in Dar Es Salaam, DG Michael took me to visit the United
African University of Tanzania (UAUT) where we met Deputy Vice Chancellor
Sang Do Kim and Director of Mission Centre Rev. James J.D. Lee. Mr. Kim
could speak English with me while Rev. Lee spoke Swahili with Michael.
Through our conversations Michael was able to get permission to go on to
the campus to set up a youth club, something which had previously been
denied. We also visited the Y's Men building, and learned about the
efforts of AP Kim Mun-sik to ensure that it was built. Thank you for your
contributions to making this happen! This university has expansion plans
and would love further support from Korean Y's Men, so I urge you to
communicate with them to see how you might be able to help this worthy
첫번째는 지방장 마이클과  다루살렘에 있는 UAUT대학을 방문하여 부학장 김상도와 목사 제임스 리를


만나서 김은 영어를 잘해 영어로 목사 리가 스왈리어로 얘기하면 마이클이 영어로 통역하면서 대화를 나누었습니다.


캠퍼스내에 유스클럽을 만들려고 했었는데 잘 안되었다는 이야기를 들었습니다.


그리고 김문식총재가 보고한적있는  한국와이즈멘의 도움을 받아 지은 와이즈멘빌딩을 방문했는데 정말 좋았습니다. 


이런 노고를 아끼지 않은 한국와이즈멘에 칭송을 드립니다. 앞으로도 보다 나은 플랜을 위해 


서로 협조를 부탁드립니다.  


Secondly, while in Kampala at the RDE Training and Regional/Area
Conventions, I had the great pleasure to meet Rev. Innocent Sindu Gwabo
from Rwanda. He had spent seven years in Korea in the university youth
club attached to the Daegu club. He spoke so enthusiastically about his
time in Korea and how he felt so much a part of the Y's Men family and
especially grateful to PAP Kim Sung-pyo. Since his return to Rwanda more
than a year ago, he has purchased some piglets using funds provided by
Korean Y's Men and has started an unofficial Y's Youth Club in connection
to looking after these pigs. Now that he has moved into Kigali, he sees
this group less often but still helps to mentor them. He is keen to start
an adult club in Kigali, and went home from Kampala feeling much more
confident on what he must do to follow proper process towards chartering.
I have heard that he is gradually finding potential members but will take
his time to be sure they are committed to the mission and vision Y's Men.
Thanks to Korean support, both finically and personally, we may see
Innocent able to bring Y's Men formally into Rwanda.


그리고 두번째는 아프리카 지역/지구대회와 RDE트레이닝에 참석하는 동안 


르완다에서 온 이너선트 목사를 만났는데 그는 한국 대구에서 7년을 있으면서 


대구대학 유스클럽을 만들었고 와이즈멘의 도움을 많이 받았다고 얘기하면서


특히  PAP 김성표의 도움에 대단히 감사해 했습니다.


지금 한국에서 지원받은 돈으로 돼지를 사서 돼지 농장을 하고 있는데 돈을 모아 르완다에


와이즈멘 클럽을 촤타하려고 사람들을 모으고 있다면서 잘될거라고 했습니다.


이런것이 가능하도록 물질적으로 정신적으로 도움을 준 한국지역에 한번 더 감사를 드립니다. 

In reflecting on these two Korean-linked stories, I recall hearing about
them both from your reports. I heard of this university planted by Koreans
in Tanzania, and about piglets being purchased in Rwanda. Both seemed
amazing and strange to me! I also admired the efforts to build a youth
club of foreign students attending university in Korea. I didn't know of
the personal and financial contributions by Kim Mun-sik and Kim Sung-pyo -
but this doesn't surprise me knowing both of you through Y's Men. How
special for me to see these stories, first heard in Korean ICM reports,
being told in their African setting. Amazing!
그리고 탄자니아 대학이 이 돼지들을 르완다에서 구입하려는 의도도 있는 것 같아


김문식 총재와 김성표 총재의 ICM에서 한 보고를 생각하면서 직접 아프리카의 현장을 보니


정말 두분의 노고에 감사를 드리며 역시 와이즈멘이구나하는것을 한번 더 느꼈습니다.


So I thank my Korean friends for what they have done and will continue to
do to support people in Africa. Your efforts really are making a
정말 한국지역 나의 친구 와이즈멘들이 이렇게 놀랄만한 일을 해서 정말 기쁘고


앞으로도 아프리카를 계속 지원해주기를 바랍니다.


여러분의 노력은 정말 큰일을 이룰것입니다.





Joan Wilson
International President 2016-17
Y's Men/Y Service InternationalV
